Their Mind
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Their Mind

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Their Mind  Empty Their Mind

Post by Admin Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:59 pm

What is wrong with humanity? In the bigger picture we have constant war, constant conflict, constant debt, constant corruption from the lowest offices of law and order to the highest realms of government.

In a more immediate, street level sense we have people we have people who can no longer communicate, let alone get along because everyone is offended, quick to offend and quick to react and grow immediately defensive when they are disagreed with. People can no longer talk about external topics without matters becoming personal. Critique of an idea (which used to be known as debate) suddenly escalates from the objective to the subjective and personal.

A vast majority of people are "self identified" with something other than who and what they actually are. Everyone is angry, seemingly deprived of some nameless element they cannot describe but will be seemingly be fulfilled by picking the pocket of others in the form of free education, free health, free everything, free for all. There is no use of reason, no thought of others, hardly any manners, no civil discourse, no solutions to whatever is plaguing humanity. We can only see that this tension escalates daily. We see the people of nations firmly divided by a desire for freedom vs a desire to parasite off of others. In spite of all the high minded moral concepts being flaunted about, people are increasingly weak, illiterate and incapable of communicating anything but a chorus of me me me.

It's observable in daily life, on social media, and in the news: We are divided.

"They" say we are divided by politics.

But it seems we've been divided for much longer than our current political paradigms have existed, and by a construct that we seemingly have no control over. Somethin within us divides us before we even approach the political realms of our existence.

In spite of our technological prowess we still cannot get a grip on basic principles and nothing much has changed except for our technological capabilities (mostly employed for purposes of greed and control) in thousands of years. We have the same humanitarian issues now that we did 2,000 years ago.


“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so...

Their Mind

The Active Side of Infinity
Carlos Casteneda

The predator within is described above as coming from the depths of the cosmos. That is debatable. However its observable that something beyond our immediate front and center perception is controlling us:

What is this predator? It's our minds.

We have a mind--obviously and generally accepted but it seems our minds is an artificial installation displacing our psyche (the psyche being that which is ours and ours alone). A mind that ...well, minds us. Minds our business, leverages our emotions dictates every aspect of our daily living and being. This mindset at its worsts enjoys the idea of its own victimhood even as it declares itself as powerful such as the firth column third wave feminism we see today. It revels in greed and neediness, envy and other base visceral impulses. We turn blind eyes to not only our own suffering but the suffering of humanity in general. Or worse, we aren't even aware of the extent of suffering wrought by corruption, greed, and lack of a general respect for human life.

If this sounds remarkably like Carl Jung's correspondences about the shadow self then you are correct. Jung was describing an aspect of Their Mind within his works. Fortunately some among us have expanded on Jung's Shadow Thesis. Paul Levy and various Native American people refers to Their Mind as Wetiko Disease, a collective psychopathy. The ancient Gnostics referred to it as archontic influence. It's generally agreed in these circles of philosophy that is how the high and mighty hold sway in the world.

But it also allows the low and humble to be controlled by the high and mighty. Therefore giving them their power however you'd like to refer to them--as controllers, Illumanati or the Powers that Be.

The only hopeful news in this human tragedy is that it's not actually OUR mind pulling our strings. It's THEIR Mind. The mind of the predators.

But who are they, those who have given us their mind?

Denying we have their mind helps their mind remain your mind.

Part 1. The mind they gave us.

Emotional marker. Envy. Envy is a symptom of lack, want and need. Poverty Consciousness is more correct term for 'their' mind.
Envy is the basis of theft. People want, need, or lack so badly they have to steal. Usually power. Not outright theft like stealing from the liquor store but high jacking power from us. And we try to steal power from each other. That's that the powers that be do. But then again, so do we. Because we have their mind. We just do it differently.

In our natural state we are very hard to steal from. Some people know what I'm talking about. The people who are hard to steal from, hard to get under their skin, hard to get a reaction from. They make you work at it. They frustrate you because the mind that was given to us mind has been conditioned to having power being given away. When you make their mind work for boy. Work may entail thinking, refraining from a multitude of vices and a plethora of other things 'their' mind hates mostly being in your right mind.

That is a persons natural state to be unaffected by things like that. It is a natural state to be in your right mind or rather with a clearer psyche.

The unnatural state is to have their mind. Thats painful, for us, to have their mind. Because that is what their mind is create pain. The Pain Body as Eckhart Tolle referred to it. Or any other extreme unhealthy emotion. That is their energy feed, emotion.

Like feel good over something that doesnt exist. If you feel good about a flight of ufo's coming back to earth to take over everything for you ask your right mind, what you are experiencing that should cause you to feel m, that way. What lack, want or loss of authority have you suffered that that scenario makes you feel good. Your right mind may say, you can't stand to be corrected now, what state will you be in if an army of 'right' minds lands to correct you?
Their mind will just tell you its a feel good idea because it always finds something else having control over you appealing. If you are hard to control it may invite in some buddies. (See Horus Ra thread).

The archetype of the powers that be are based on envy. We have something they lack. This is why there is an us and a them. Lack produces envy.
The have and have nots.
ButWE all have the same thing. Their minds.  No matter how virtuous and superior we feel in our feel goodwe have their minds.
We tend to think they are the haves, and we think we are the have nots. And so do they. Because if we have their minds we have the same minds as them so we tend to operate the same way.
Materially speaking they seem to have it all. But if they had it all why would they feel compelled to give us their minds? Charity? No that is HOW they have it all.  We have something they want. They dont take it though, we give it away. By agreeing to co-habit their mind.
By agreement. We agree to  do it. Simply by not doing anything about it.
If someone is ill they do something about it. Take medicine, see a doctor, etc.
If someone bleeds they do something about it. Get a tourniquet, get a bandaid.
If you had a gigantic feeding growth on you, youd do something about it.
People with their mind dont do anything about it. Their mind tells them not to that everything is just fine the way it is and its really only because people are (angry, mean and unloving ) when they point that perhaps you have something feeding on you.
Alas even a person with 'their' mind will tell another fellow swimmer they have a leech on them.  It is an entirely different matter when we are told we have a leech on us. What do we do? A person in their right mind pulls it off. A person in their mind goes emo reactive-- this allows the leech to stay on longer. Their mind again. That mind does not care about its host. It cares about itself.  Just like them.

Thats what their mind wants. It seeks to preserve itself only. So it has no problem lying to you, and you in turn to  impose its lies on others.
It makes you a liar . Lie/deny/lie. A really sort of hopeless despairing way to go about things. You might be a awakened liar, a spiritual liar but your still a liar. You  just aren't aware of the lies you are telling because....they aren't coming from you. If you are aware of the lies coming from you..good for you. You are half way to your right mind.
Their mind makes a liar out of you. This however is not excusing you, its making you aware of why you are a liar.
Heres another lie their mind puts out there. It says Im enlightened. Im aware. Im awake. Im spiritual.. Im using my right mind, the mind that creation intended for me.
So people who are actually in their right mind  , are like ..." Cool. Lets talk. Here's someone I can share thoughts with. " How nice.
Until they turn on you and suddenly you realize...they aren't aware. How could they be when they are not aware of 'their' mind at work.

Thats when the trouble starts. Because right minded people an express thoughts from the right mind can do so without being in the emotionally triggered state. They are not 'ready' to be insulted, hurt, pissed off, wounded or torn apart at the seams. They are whole so they don't carry the expectation their whole right minded thoughts are going to imploded the world of the 'their' mind. . In spite of that they've just walked into someone' s land mine. Whole people don't expect people to be liars.
Whole people are told. You should be more sensitive to 'their' mind. Protect it. Be mindful of it. Don't hurt it.  This gives their mind environment to thrive in.
So then a lie has been produced, and when we come to find out the mind is not what it said it was all sorts of drama, tears and recriminations are cast. The people who typically bear the brunt of this are not  the liars. But the lied to.
But don't get angry. You must never never be angry at 'their' mind. It can kill you from the inside out, divide, conquer and spread but don't be angry.

"YOU said you were awake and then the moment we find out you arentits OUR fault?"
We didnt tell you to lie. Their mind did.  IT has convinced you that you are awake.
How could you be if you are still deceived by their mind?
If you state that you are enlightened and your behaviors express otherwise you are lying to people with THEIR mind.

Sound familiar? Thats the way the powers that be, physical and non-physical have always behaved. We see it at every election time, every false flag, ever 9/11. Lie, problem, reaction, solution. The solution always, strangely enough, produces more lack. Less liberty, less freedom, less room for the right mind.
And because we have their mind we just go along with it over and over again.
Their mind. It  started with them but we collectively perpetrate what they started. Because we have their mind. Thats why it was given to us. To give from us to them our power.
This is what disturbs people. The emotion that is generated by the thought of being like them.  If they have given us their mind, how else would we be? Until we learned to be otherwise?
Was I disturbed when I found this out.
Did I do something about it.
Yes. The same way I would do something if I glanced down and noticed I was spurting blood from my raw stumpy wrist that had suddenly lost its hand.
If you dont know what Im talking about..I regret that. I am not to blame for that though. Consistently blame for people not being in their right mind. They seldom ever have to suffer the consequences of not being in their right mind.
Are YOU blamed for others not being in their right mind? Are you God? Did you make those people. Did you put that mind in them. Why are YOU blamed?

Why do you expect that we are responsible for YOUR mind. Its THEIR mind.
Im not responsible for that and hating me for it, and saying Im angry because you have their mind is not going to fix anything but re-entrench one further into their mind.    You can banish me from your sight, so I will stop painfully reminding you that you have their mind.
But you will still have their mind.  You will still have to live with what you are. You fight, hate, banish, cry, bitch, moan, scream play the victim all you want but understandyou are a victim of their mind.
You get cancer. Do it again, scream, bitch, cry, blame, me anyone and you will still have cancer.
Trying to absorb this without their mind, might help you to understand this.
If you are ready to shoot off a snarky remark to are thinking with their mind.
It does the same thing over and over again. It's easy to predict what it will do.
What is so different about them, who gave us their mind, and us? They have more firepower. Us. Theres few of them and many of us. In actuality we are them so theres really no us and them if we keep behaving like them with their mind.
Because we are a large arsenal and we feed it unmindfully because we are using their mind when we do that.  WE are the batteries that keep the matrix, this corrupt field in place. Our emotional fields more precisely provide the energy to keep it in place. Just a mass of energetic beams holding their matrix up.
Who suffers the consequences of it. Not them. People with their minds do. People without their minds get the residual. The blame. Not their mind mind you. However those in their right minds...find that a great comfort. They just get the residual stuff, those in their minds get the full front on impact of being pummeled by 'their' mind 24/7.
They flip the light switch on and off with thoughts that bother us or titillate us.  But so do we.
They start wars. And so do we. Over nothing.
They put on big dramas (over nothing) and so do we.  We do it over hurt feelings. They do it for the false flag effect to hurt feelings. They need the energy.  They dont prefer hurt energy its just easier to manufacture because people are so easily hurt when they are possessed of their mind. Call it a mine. Thats all it does is blow up and hurt you.
And if you are not easily hurt their mind will make sure you are.
So you go out and buy a new dress and you are allright with the world. You put the dress on and then THEIR mind just has to ask. Do I look fat in this dress?
And of course someone will say Yes
But its not the dress making you look fat. Its your fat that makes you look fat.
Interestingly enough their mind will make you look fat too. I don't care how skinny you are their mind will make you look fat.  It will make you appear stupid as well because it encourages you to use their mind, the stupid mind instead of the smart right mind.   Their mind is there to make you fat and stupidlike cattle or sheep.
Awareness is a separation from their mind. You still have it but now you have a RIGHT mind and a left mind. A right mind is usually right. Rationally speaking if it were not it would be the left mindtheir mind.  How to tell. If you do something really stupid that hurts you chances are its their mind you dreamed it up with.

They put out false flags to make you feel good.
 12/21/12 we will all go away and leave you a big check from the Federal Reserve.
Boy is that a feel good thought. Turns out thats ALL it was. An inhabited construct.   not reality, just an idea. That idea does not remotely resemble reality.
And idea that someone put emotional energy into you fed on it for a while , like they do, because you have their mind.  Then they pulled the rug out (ha ha no 12-21, no check, no feel good) and they fed on that pain. Got you coming and going first with the feel good, then with the pain. Energy is energy to them. And emotions are energy. That's why their mind jacks with our emotions so much. BEcause we let them...
That feel good energy, yep theyll feed on that too. Not hard to muster that up fleeting and fake as it is.
The energy generated over the agony of deciding if Obama is a light worker. Yep that too.
Now a right mind can talk about these things without inhabiting it emotionally. Then its just mental stimulation not a trip to the ER trauma ward.
If You werent giving forth enough energy (power)  we/they need to light the fire and get you more agitated. Harvesting, milking call it what you will.  They dont care what sort of energy it is.  Do you sit and question whether your electric bill was generated from coal or steam?
Guess what? Neither do they? Because they have the same mind as us. Their mind.
"They" abuse people so they can feel good. And so do we. You can be a canonized virtuous lying saint with their mind. Until something happens to remind you that you are deceiving yourself. Usually its by others who are not deceived by you. then you don't feel so 'good' anymore. So you blame the people you lied to for your not feeling so well anymore. You never blame their mind.
They lie to themselves and then others to feel good. And so do we.
They dont know how they are abusing people . And neither do we.
They dont care they are abusing people.
And neither do we.
As long as we feel good. As long as their mind is comfortable, happily inhabiting YOUR head everything is just fine for them.

Like a drug addict that doesnt care they destroy the family unit as long as they have their feel good fix.
They are obsessed with corruption and so are we.
Doesnt seem much difference between  an us and them, more like a we are them.
We are the enemy.
Until we stop using their mind.
Because we have their minds.
But we can stop using their mind.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-02-05

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